You can depend on us to take care of almost everything for your health fair, from beginning to end, to provide the greatest benefit for the company and the employees. Our goal is to provide you with the highest-value health fairs possible, providing your employees with information and access to the services they need to be healthy and fit. The size of your fair is always adjusted to accommodate the size of your space and your staff.
Here’s how it works:
- You schedule the health fair to be done for your employees at least 6 weeks in advance, preferably 12, but we will accommodate what works best for you.
- Our skilled health fair set up team then takes over. We coordinate with you the right time and the right space on your premises. We work out the exact right mix of medical and non-medical health professionals to come and educate and enlighten your employees based on your company culture.
- We provide the promotional material for you to use in advance to notify your employees of their upcoming “Staff Appreciation Day” sponsored by your Human Resources Department.
- We provide an experienced, professional Health Fair Coordinator who arrives prior to the event to place the table cloths, raffle set-up & balloons as well as greet and settle the exhibitors to make sure everything runs smoothly, so you don’t have to.
- We create a festive, easy-to-approach and learn atmosphere. You can relax and watch as your employees go through
- Our fairs don’t cut across your busy work day. We deliver them over an extended lunch break so there’s as little production time lost as possible. In some cases, we can coordinate lunch for your employees.
- We always provide a raffle with numerous door prizes for your employees such as a bath set gift bag, hand-held body massager, movie tickets, etc.
- After the fair is over, we provide photos and a “thank you” for having us as part of your team.
- You get the pat on the back you deserve for bringing our valuable service to your employees!